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Supporting working water dog owners
Credit: HappyGoDoggy Photography

Paco "Splash Dog" Morgan entered the World Dog Surfing Championships for the first time in 2023, and performed quite admirably.  He loves to swim so much that his humans were initially not sure if he would stay on the surf board long enough to catch the judges' eyes.  The dogs that do the best at surfing are often ones that have good balance but are also somewhat afraid of the water. But after a few weeks of practicing, Paco's people learned a trick that would keep him on the board: give him one of his fetch bumpers to hold on to as he rides the waves. Fox2 World Dog Surfing Championship

Paco caught three solid waves, and while he didn't earn a medal this year, the cheers from the thousands of spectators were enough to convince him and his humans to go for the gold next year.  

CNN Headline - World Dog Surfing Championship Held in California


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